Code Of Conduct

All players and parents are required to review and sign the Francis Howell Code of Conduct. Please download a copy at the link to the right. The signed document must be submitted before a player is considered fully registered.

Student Athlete

As a member of the Francis Howell Hockey Club, I understand that I represent the Francis Howell Hockey Club and Francis Howell School District. I understand the spirit of fair play while playing hard and will refrain from engaging in all types of disrespectful behavior including inappropriate language and unnecessary physical contact. I am committed to the highest standards of sportsmanship while striving to attain the highest possible level of academic success. I hereby accept my responsibility and will always abide by this code on and off the ice.   

  1. Academic Standing: I will assume full responsibility for my academic progress and achievement. I will make every effort to stay in good standing.
  2. Respect: I will be respectful of my coaches and fellow players on and off the ice. 
  3. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs: I will comply with the Francis Howell School District Alcohol & Drug Abuse Code both on and off the ice. I will not consume alcohol or use, possess, or distribute tobacco or banned substances including illegal and “performance enhancing” drugs, or take prescription drugs unless they have been prescribed for me by a medical professional.

Failure to adhere to these standards will result in the following actions.

  1. First offense - A meeting between coach, board member, parent, and player to review the code of conduct and possible consequences.
  2. Second offense - The athlete will be suspended up to ten games, including practices, during suspension period.
  3. Third offense - Student will be suspended for the remainder of the current season’s activities. Reinstatement the following season would not be granted until board approval following a meeting with the board, player, parents, and coaching staff.

I understand that failure to conduct myself responsibly during Francis Howell Hockey related activities, as stated and implied by the conditions in this Athlete Code of Conduct, may result in consequences, up to and including suspension or dismissal from the team. I hereby accept my responsibility and will abide by this code.

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